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The Victimization of Truth


In the wake of the terror attack in Orlando this past week, the predictability of politicians and the press has not disappointed. Unfortunately, these types of attacks have almost become commonplace in our society, with the ensuing rhetoric that follows being almost equally disturbing… placing the blame everywhere EXCEPT where it justifiably belongs.
So after such a tragic event, why is it so difficult to be honest about the problem? Common sense would dictate that, until you properly diagnose the problem, you will NEVER find an effective solution. John F. Kennedy once said…

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth – persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”


So now we add Orlando to the list of U.S. cities affected by Islamic terror: San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, Garland, Boston, Washington D.C., New York…

Where do we go from here?

We go back.

We go back to the place where we lost our way. We can’t hope to understand our future until we understand our past.

When did political correctness trump the truth?

How did we allow minorities of special interests to dictate what was in the best interest of the majority?

img_0183How can anyone read the writings of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, or virtually any other of the founding fathers, and believe for a second that they thought God had no place in our public discourse?

When did the Bible and Judeo-Christian values take a back seat to the enslavement and intolerance of shari’a law and Islam?

On July 3, the truth will come to light.


On July 3, we will expose the sinister forces that have worked behind
the scenes, and taken our culture down the “rabbit-hole”.


On July 3, we will reveal the causes and the solution
to the Unraveling of America.


Unraveling Flag - horiz

By pastorron2013

I'm a husband, father, grandfather, and child of the Most High. I enjoy time spent with my Father, pointing others His direction, and watching them be transformed by His love and power. I also enjoy travelling, reading, old cars, and playing with my grandchildren.

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